
The kiss of blessing on this! : )

And having grown up Lutheran how did I not stumble upon Jenson?

I’ll have to sit where I’ve stumbled and ‘listen’ to him for a time. (All that I’ve heard you share of him through the years, I’ll keep in mind.)

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I love this. The reminder that the Spirit is not only the atmosphere of the Father’s artistry but is Himself artist and art is fruitful. It reminds us, as Richard of St. Victor does, that the Spirit is not only Love in the Classic Augustinian triad of lover/beloved/love but also co-lover/co-beloved. Art is thus not confined to the medium, it extends out into art-ful interpretations and critical review. The Spirit extends the art of the artist out into each of us and makes us artful, co-artists if you will, in the act of receiving and savoring the art.

In other words, there’s so much value in what you’re doing here. Training us to receive art spiritually, is itself an art! Thank you

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This is marvellous and long overdue. Grateful for your initiative! Bishop: any possibility of a less pricey volume of this forthcoming?

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I think their policy is to shift to paperback only after hardbacks are sold out. Inter-libary loan is your friend!

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