Chris, what is koinonia to you - is ot even something we could seek after or desire to be our church community

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This has been some thing I’ve been reflecting on with Bonhoeffer’s help in a series of lectures recently

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The door....another technology to gain entrance--to a room, a position, a place or community.

Jesus is the door, walks through doors, knocks at the door.

Thinking, thinking.

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The movement from “excellence” to “replacement” is what Hartmut Rosa names “innovation” (at least the way Andrew Root interprets him). There is an inherent moral horizon for us now in innovation: the new carries an element of the good. If you spilled coffee on your 3 year-old (but fully l-functional) MacBook in 2010 it was a disaster. Today most would say, “Well, it was an old computer anyway” even if it was still fully-functional.

Everything is about speeding up. It’s an attempt to stay lively, vital. Or, to put it another way, an attempt to catch up to the spirit of the future (to stay lively and so avoid death) without the crucified and risen one as the guide

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