Dr. Green, I wanted to take the opportunity to ask you this question here, if you have the time and inclination to respond to it: Have you read Marilynne Robinson's essay "Dietrich Bonhoeffer", and if so what are your thoughts on it?

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I am reminded of a trellis—a structure that allows for form in organic growth; a structure that has sufficient open space so that the sun (of trust, love) has full access for healthy organic, intermingling growth, that allows each leaf to reach for the sun. A structure that has a beginning from a gardener, and a telos. A structure that supports in gales but allows the breeze (of the Spirit) to stir the leaves, and that provides stabilities in seasons of summer and winter.

There is much about trust and control, and finite beginnings and endings, to dwell upon.

And as always, it reminds me of ways to pray for you, and for the Church of God.

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I do hope for you a visit with Iain McGilchrist when you are in Iona!

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skye is so close!

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I am so gratefull for this conversation. The whole thing is good but the statement ”false comfort creates anxiety” put words on something I am encountering in so many people I am in contact with who have mental health issues and have been deeply involved in New Age. I mean I meet debilitating anxiety. I hope a further exploration of that turns up here in the future.

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I agree with you — there's something here that needs to be explored. I see it all around me, and I'm sure that's because I feel it so often in myself.

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Thank you for your last comments about how some thoughts are invasive species and how we shouldn’t entertain them. What a great image. At a local park they are cutting down invasive trees, which is sad but I guess needful. Some of those thoughts are even like those trees. Thank goodness my spiritual companion just listened to some outrageous thoughts. And later I was able to cut them out. Cut it out. Thank you for your words and teaching.

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