Two of my favorite theologians talking about theology sounds perfect.

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Bishop Green, have you written or spoken about the concept of resurrection not being the solution to the problem of death that you and Dr. Hauerwas talked about beginning around 27:25 of today's podcast? If so, would you please share where I might read or listen? Thanks very much.

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I've written about it in several places, including in All Things Beautiful (the Easter chapter), as well as in Being Transfigured and Surprised by God. I also have a paper somewhere on the theology of death. In addition, I've done a number of posts here on Speakeasy that address it directly or indirectly (you can just search for "resurrection" and some of them should pop up).

The short of the answer is this: Christ's resurrection doesn't mean that we won't die, and it doesn't mean that we have any better answers in the face of death and the problem of evil. It means that Christ is with us in our dying as one with death behind him (in Jenson's words), and so as one who knows how to take us through death into God—the God who doesn't keep us from dying but does raise us from the dead.

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Aug 6Liked by Chris EW Green

Thank you, Bishop, for the references and the comment. I also found help in the Grail Country episode entitled "A Conversation about Death with Dr. Chris Green and Dr. Jordan Daniel Wood"

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Aug 6Liked by Chris EW Green

This was marvellous! Thank you for all of it, but I'm sitting with the bit on "Tent-Revivals". I well remember these "campaigns" as a Pentecostal PK. It became wearisome for me. I had also listened to a lot of Keith Green (of blessed memory) during those years. I tried giving myself to the live-at-the-crest-of-the-wave-constantly type of revivalistic hype, and crashed and burned out. Sadly (and I'm speaking in general terms here, so as not to paint with a broad brush), it often was a mindless pursuit where noise and hype was seen as "the Spirit". You are a gift to us Bishop!

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Thank you for this. I liked hearing that Hauerwas was your way into Jensen. The same was true for me (although my knowledge of Jenson is a tiny fraction compared to your personal experience)

Can you share the title of the forthcoming book Hauerwas is editor for? I couldn’t catch it but you said you’d preordered it. I’m curious.

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Still curious :)

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