No way! What a treat!!

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I’m not a natural interviewer, but he is easy to talk with and so insightful

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Sep 9Liked by Chris EW Green

I am so eager to hear this! I have listened to Cayley's Illich 'Ideas' episodes many times, and find them fascinating. Esp. the 'Corruption of Christianity' series, as I think there are aspects that dovetail wonderously with Iain McGillchrist and Harmut Rosa's work. Thank you!

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Sep 11Liked by Chris EW Green

Jim-you might also be interested in The Dark Mountain Project - Dougald Hine & Paul Kingsnorth. They’ve drawn much inspiration from Ivan. I found them through Uncivil Savant here on Substack. Caroline Ross is its artist/ writer. She interviewed Iain McGilchrist a while back.

The thread you’ve picked up between Ivan and Iain caught my eye. Thank you for mentioning 🙏🏼

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Sep 12Liked by Chris EW Green

Thank you for your comment Karen.

Re: the thread between Ivan and Iain...

A neuro-scientist/philosopher, a historian/theologian/philosopher, and a sociologist/philosopher (Hartmut, whose name I manage to typo above) all hold in common, in my opinion, a diagnosis of how Western cultures over-reliance and prioritizing of systemaistion and categorisation have hurt our living fully as humans. and more, but that is a common core.

Re Dougald and Paul - I subscribe to each of their substacks, but haven't dialed into Dark Mountain much. Perhaps in the future. Thank you for encouraging the prospect.

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I am working through the Matter With Things,

(I McG) along with listening on his channel where he discusses each chapter with Alex Gomez- Marin. So helpful for me, just a woman energized in wonder with all of this - that, and good coffee : )

I will def check out Harmut Rose- thank you!

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This becoming a lovely conversation. Thank you Karen. There are some links below to faclititate your looking into Rosa.

I love the Gomez-Martin interviews. I have listened to many but not all. My life is anything but systematic, so I did not set up a proper pattern. I am slowly reading Master & Emmisary. Podcasts and youtubes are my primary source of all things McGillchrist.... I love seeing how host's different interests and disciplines draw out the breadth of his work.

McG. and Rosa excite me as a liturgist. I have been crafting theopoetic liturgies, rituals, installations and formational exercises as an uneducated lay person for twenty years. We tackle some pretty profound topics through ritual, symbol and imagery, hoping to aid persons in coming to deep understandings that are sometimes beyond their capacity to ennunciate until felt, intuited and explored/expressed in worship (if ever, as some understandings can never be explained). When I learned of McG., it instantly became the best explanation of how the processes I use work. Rosa's sociology, to my mind, affirms McG's neuroscience. And Illich affirms through history and pastoral wisdom.

For Rosa... three links:

First, a podcast by Tripp Fuller and Andrew Root where they discuss his work and an upcoming conference. This is an excellent introduction... Root is a wonderful academic, and he did his homework on this one to make Rosa accessible.

a) Apple podcast:


b) Homebrewed Christianity site link to the same content: https://trippfuller.com/2024/08/26/andrew-root-on-hartmut-rosa-resonance-in-an-accelerated-age/

Second, Rosa giving a keynote for the European Council of Churches. He comes in at the 17 minute mark. If you have to prioritize, probably start with Root on Homebrewed.


Third... if is a link to the conference where Rosa is featured.Sept. 23 & 24.

$7.50 USD for streaming access, and the episodes will be downloadable, and so you can spread it out.


If a book is of interest, 'The Uncontrollability of the World' is very manageable. (117 clear and accessible pages).


Conference link:

Not to pressure you... but I am suspicious you will find Rosa's his concept of dynamic stabalization (not a good thing) and resonance VERY complimentary to McGillchrist's explanation of how our cultural left-brain bias has hurt our society and humanity; and that resonance corresponds with aspects of right-brain correctives.

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You have gifted me today, Jim! Many thanks!

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Sep 9Liked by Chris EW Green

Thank you! Looking forward to the next one!

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Sep 10Liked by Chris EW Green

I grew up in Canada with the CBC and heard Cayley many times on "Ideas" at 9pm each week night.

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Sep 11Liked by Chris EW Green

This has been so interesting. The number of feet I need to sit with is growing - gladly!

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