Speakeasy Theology
Speakeasy Theology
You Are the Day Approaching

You Are the Day Approaching

Reflections on the Readings for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost

Raw, unscripted reflections on the texts for this coming Sunday.

Many of us fear the so-called “Second Coming,” the End of All Things, dreading what it will mean for us and for those we love. Virtually all of us have been taught to think of the End as an event that lies in the near or distant future—one more thing that will happen at some point on the timeline. But in truth God is nothing but good—infinitely better than good. And the appearing of God is not one more thing that will happen. God’s coming is already happening—even now, even here. Today is the Day of the Lord. And you are its light.

Speakeasy Theology
Speakeasy Theology
theological and pastoral reflections on biblical texts and current events