Speakeasy Theology
Speakeasy Theology
"Poetry is Not a Luxury"

"Poetry is Not a Luxury"

the place of the poetic in theology, ministry, and sacred conversation

Enoch Kelly Haney Emptiness Has a Claim on Death 1983


Hell, Mary, Fool of Grace 
The Low Road’s in thee! 
Based Art, thou, amongst women 
And based is the Fruit of thy Wound, Jesus. 

Holy Mary, Mutter of God, 
Play for us shimmers 
Now and at the flowering of our death. 


When you labored your way back to your clan, Mary, 
your Mary, was already thick with child. Today, though, 
here in my father’s house, I can’t help but wonder 
not at her burden but yours: What weighed so heavy on you?  
 	St Luke, always sure of his work, says Caesar ordered all the world 
to be polled, everyone counted in their ancestral home—
a policy so patently insane only a man convinced he’s a god 
could’ve ever become pig-headed enough to conceive it.
 	As you neared the city (I know it was no little town for you) I doubt 
you gave any of that madness any thought, however. Nothing 
is as taxing as family, is it? Still, anxiety can’t be what silenced you. 
No, your quiet sheltered a secret, deep, and dangerous 
to every grief. So, although I don’t quite know to say it, I need you 
to pray for me if you can 
without saying a word.


Lord willing, you will fall, 
not too soon, if all goes well
wholly quiet 
dumbly adoring 	
like the ox 
the one who makes your words 
to gild this rough winter manger. 

(after Reading Jacq. Maritain)

The angels that guard us, 
yours and mine,

have been watching each other for the longest time
seeing themselves as they see us 

and all that’s ours 
in the blacks of Jesus’ eyes.

Swooning, arcing over us, 
bright with accomplishment, 

incensed at what we’ve suffered,
quickened by the Father’s delight 

in our every aching awkwardness,
they tremble with pleasure, knowing

what we for now cannot:
Leviathan is the proof of love.

And yet, all this while, we’ve held, 
impossibly, a secret 

kept for them: 
Lucifer, first son of the morning, 

shall at last be changed—
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,

choiring heaven’s hosts for the divine encore,
without a doubt beside himself 

with joy. 
And then—

all things shall swell in singing
his song, the Psalm of the Evening, 

the praise waiting from before the rising of the worlds to be 


How old is light? 
The oldest light? 
I’m told no lucent ever dies. 

Is that why the cosmos is ever-
expanding, stretching out 
the curtains of its habitations, wide and wide? 

I am not wise. I know 
so little of the brightness. 
	Who can measure the time it took 

for the fire of the mages’ star 
to cross the gape of the world’s black 
wound and fix their eyes? 

Could it be each at once felt the luminescence rise 
in the thick dark of their cradled heart? Could it be 
their faces shined? They must’ve dazzled like children.

You can read “Our Lady Calms the Four Horses of the Apocalypse” here.

Speakeasy Theology
Speakeasy Theology
theological and pastoral reflections on biblical texts and current events